Implementing Campaign Manager - External Integrations

JSON Decoder Plugin Options

The Expand size 1 arrays? check box:

JSON objects can contain embedded arrays. Whilst multiple values in an array cannot be decoded by this plugin, single entries can be placed in line. Select this check box to decode within arrays and grab the data if only a single entry is present in the array. If multiple entries are present in the array, that field will be passed 'as-is' so that other downstream steps in the transform can be used to split the array apart.

The Rows of input to scan option:

Your JSON source may contain many thousands of rows of data, or may be a continuous (never-ending) stream of data. The Get Fields button requires a sample of this data, and the number of rows that it reads is set here.

If your JSON source has different types of data, you should set this number high enough to read at least one row of each different type. If your JSON source is continuous but slow it may be worth using a different transformation to write a sample to a file. You can then use the file as the input to the JSON Decoder for Get Fields, switching the input back to the continuous source afterwards.

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